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Lend-A-Bone: Lending A Bone To The Overlooked

“They're all worth saving ... They'll always have a home with us and we promise to never give up on any of our rescues.” Julie Anaya is proof there is hope for the future. At the mere age of 21, while attending school to become a surgical tech, Julie found her calling to help the most at risk, because sometimes you just need to lend a hand, or in this case a bone.

Meet The Founder

Originally from Los Angeles, CA, Julie Anaya moved to Tucson, AZ, to become a surgical technician, but her destiny had other plans. While in Tucson, Julie became involved with the local animal rescue network and eventually discovered a euthanasia list sent out every week by the Pinal County Animal Care and Control.

Although the animal control shelter was located 45 minutes away, Julie was not deterred from helping out. Several dog rescues were contacted, but most of them were at capacity. At this point, she and her partner decided to bypass the shelters and find dog fosters on their own. Her first rescue attempt, Julie aligned a foster home for Hulk, an at-risk pitbull. However, before she could connect him to his new home he was unfortunately euthanized. It was one of those life changing events, and from then on, Julie was determined to fight even harder to save as many dogs as possible.

In early 2019 Julie founded Lend-A-Bone dog rescue, an organization dedicated to lending a bone to the most at-risk dogs in need. Julie’s Mexican culture inspired the unique skeleton design of the organization's logo. Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is a popular tradition in Mexican culture that celebrates both the life and death of loved ones, a sentiment that Julie carries on through her organization.

The Mission & Vision

Lend-A-Bone continues its legacy of rescuing dogs from rural shelters that are at risk of euthanasia, a dog population that primarily consists of Pitbulls. After her experience with Hulk, Julie became unstoppable. In our interview, she shares a story about Basil, a dog whose health was deteriorating from an unknown illness. Multiple vets told Julie to euthanize Basil, but she refused to give up on her. With continued advocacy from Julie, Basil eventually received a proper diagnosis, a new health regimen, and is now living a full and happy life!

The organization started with humble beginnings and now owns a facility near downtown Tucson. Half of the facility is used for rescue purposes, and the other half is a storefront. Having a dedicated location allows the organization to host introductions between guests and potential adoptees.

Additionally, the store sells an assortment of dog products and recycles all profits back into the rescue program. It’s a Win-Win!

In the future, Julie envisions obtaining a portion of land to house dogs with behavioural or aggression issues. During their stay, each dog would each have their own “tiny-home”; an air-conditioned shed with a small private yard where they could remain separated while being fully trained and rehabilitated. Currently, Julie’s organization operates primarily in Tucson, but she hopes to open a new facility in the Phoenix area.

How You Can Support

Donations are crucial to keep this dog rescue running smoothly. Sometimes a single month medical bills for the the organization can be upwards of $20,000. Lend-A-Bone also supports the dogs of the local homeless population, and low-income families who require additional assistance. “We just want to do everything we can to keep the dogs happy and in the best home for them.” Lend-A-Bone is always in need of donated blankets, bowls, food, and dog shoes, or if you are interested in becoming a foster or adopting, you can apply here.

Gaia Provides is honored and excited to announce our collaboration with Lend-A-Bone on our new campaign Pet Chews For A Cause. If you'd like to directly support Lend-A-Bone through this campaign or any other rescue, please check out the Pet Chews For A Cause Campaign now.

If you’re interested in learning more about Lend-A-Bone, their collaboration with Gaia Provides, or how you can support an amazing rescue like theirs, then check out the interview below:

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